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New Zealand Naturist Sites

Most naturist sites in New Zealand have a presence on the internet and can be found at the page of the New Zealand Naturist Federation (NZNF). The latest NZ naturism news, promotions and various other relevant bits of information are also available on their site.

International Naturist Sites

The British Naturism home page has information on, you guessed it, Naturism in Great Britain! It is an extensive site with news, history and facts about the movement in the UK.

A little closer to home for those just wanting to pop across the Tasman rather than to circle the globe is the Australian Naturist Federation, which maintains a comprehensive list resorts and clubs within Australia as well as information on upcoming events.

The naturism movement is very strong in France and the French Naturism Federation (FFN) have an excellent site with information about naturist holidays and plenty of maps to help you find your way.

In Germany, DFK - Deutscher Verband für Freikörperkultur (German Association for Free Body Culture) supports the Freikörperkultur (FKK) movement, which has long endorsed a naturistic approach to sports and community living.

Most national naturist federations are also members of the International Naturist Federation (INF). In North America, the American Associatation for Nude Recreation (AANR) contains information nudism in USA.